PHP 8 now supported

We have updated the code that goes on your severs to support PHP 8. If you upgrade your severs, or your host does it for you, repairing your domain from the dashboard should get your links working again.

What’s happening with

I was thinking about calling it a day with and turned off sales.

Then a friend in the industry came up with a way to do things differently, in a way I’ve been dreaming about since before I launched in 2009, but wasn’t technically possible until very recently.

If it works, it will solve all the problems that made scaling a challenge, remove all technical support, make links work on any domain hosted anywhere including site-builder sites, and should make the redirects do their job much faster than any other solution.

So, we’re going to keep going, update to PHP, and then test this theory. If it works, my friend and I are going to partner to create a new release of

Upgrading to support PHP 8 is step one of ten towards a relaunch of a new product that just may redefine the link redirect industry once again.

In the meantime, I’m keeping sales off, likely until that new version is ready.

